Capture salesforce record id in journey builder

from Sales cloud object activity in the journey builder

Hemant garg
2 min readApr 18, 2021

By default, the journey builder does not provide/store the record id after executing the object activity step.

  1. Go to journey builder and create a journey.
  2. Add a data extension as an entry
  3. Drag and drop Object activity on the journey
  4. Configure the object of your choice and complete the field mapping.
  5. right-click on the above activity and inspect(assuming using Chrome browser), search for “SALESCLOUDACTIVITY-”

You should file SALESCLOUDACTIVITY-1, this is the name of the activity. Depending on how many object activities are on the journey canvas the number will change.

6. Drag another activity called “Update Contact”. Configure it to the data extension you want to save the record id. Use this expression to save the recordId{{Interaction.SALESCLOUDACTIVITY-1.salesforceObjectID}}

(Please replace the number “1” with the number you found on step 5.

(Please replace the number “1” with the number you found on step 5.

